
Princeton in Asia からの研修生を受入~FGSS Welcomes Princeton-in-Asia Fellow



この度本学部では,Lethen HanaさんをH29.7.1~H30.6.30までの間研修生として受入れ,留学に係る学生相談,PiA研修生のネットワークを活用したアジア各国の情報収集等を担当し,学部の機能強化につなげていきます。



The Faculty of Global and Science Studies has partnered with Princeton in Asia (PiA), a non-profit organization affiliated with and located on-campus at Princeton University.  Established by Princeton students over 100 years ago, PiA now sends graduates from over 70 universities to fellowship positions at organizations all over Asia.

Hana Lethen will be a fellow in our faculty from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, aiding with study-abroad affairs and collection of information regarding other participants in PiA’s network.  She will work in the office contributing to international exchange and to a more diverse campus, enhancing our faculty’s mission.