Entrance Examinations

Portrait of the ideal student

  1. People who are interested in scientific and technical trends and the problems facing Japan and the international community, which go beyond the boundaries of the academic disciplines of the sciences and humanities, and who have the will to strive to create a new society and new value
  2. People with the ambition to strive to succeed on the international stage
  3. People with an international perspective and the ambition to strive to succeed in local communities in Japan and overseas
  4. People who are interested in learning from experience in social settings
  5. People interested in working together with other people and addressing problems as a team

Subjects and classes students should study prior to matriculating to the university

The faculty expects students to have basic academic abilities covering a broad range of areas in the English, math, Japanese, science, and social studies they learned up through high school. In addition to this, they must have acquired basic logical thinking skills and communication skills by means of routinely familiarizing themselves with topics regarding science and technology, as well as contemporary society, and by thinking about these on their own and discussing them with others. What is more, it is also important that they use English language qualification and certification examinations in order to boost their communication skills on their own using English.

  1. For English, basic reading comprehension, writing ability, conversational ability, and listening comprehension
  2. For math, basic knowledge of math and the ability to think mathematically
  3. For Japanese, basic reading comprehension, the ability to think, and powers of expression
  4. For science, basic knowledge, curiosity, and a spirit of inquiry regarding natural phenomena and science and technology
  5. For geography, history, and civics, basic knowledge and awareness of issues related to various different social phenomena

Entrance examination policy

〇General entrance examinations (first semester schedule)
The examinations of the National Center for University Entrance Examinations feature two patterns: a humanities option and a science option, under which students must take examinations in eight subjects under six subject areas, or eight subjects under seven subject areas.
The individual academic ability examination is based on 2 subjects: English and mathematics or Japanese.
This faculty uses the foreign language proficiency examination to give additional points to the individual academic ability examination for English for students who obtain a certain rank or score (* Students cannot score higher than a perfect score for this subject).

〇General entrance examinations (second semester schedule)
The examinations of the National Center for University Entrance Examinations feature two patterns: a humanities option and a science option, under which students must take examinations in eight subjects under six subject areas, or eight subjects under seven subject areas.
For the individual academic ability examinations, students must write a short essay and sit for an interview. Sometimes the themes for the short essays are given in English.
This faculty uses the foreign language proficiency examination to give additional points to the short essay for the individual academic ability examination for English for students who obtain a certain rank or score (* Students cannot score higher than a perfect score for this subject).

〇Comprehensive Selection (Former AO entrance examinations) * Starting with the FY2017 entrance examinations
For the Comprehensive Selection, selections are made based on multifaceted angles such as a statement of purpose and the student’s various activities and grades in high school.
For the first round of the selection (document screening carried out in cases where the application acceptance rate exceeds 30%), outside certification examinations and study abroad experience, which is one of the faculty’s features, are given extra weight for the screening.
With the second round of the selection (examination of comprehensive ability for lectures, etc.), interviews and lectures, reports, and English communication examinations are held, and the students are evaluated and scored based on factors like their comprehensive ability, assertiveness, and communication skills.

For details, check the information related to the entrance examinations, or the new student selection guidelines and student application guidelines.