Mitsuhiko ARIMOTO
Area of expertiseLinguistics, Japanese language studies
Classes taught
Human Development II (Linguistics), Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Seminar
Short biography
After withdrawing from the Department of Linguistics and Literature, Graduate School of Humanities, Kyushu University without obtaining a degree, I was a Teaching Assistant at the School of Letters, Kyushu University, a full-time Lecturer at Baiko Gakuin University, and an Assistant Professor at Yasuda Women’s University before reaching my present position.
Major papers, books, and works
A Study of Morphophonological Phenomena in te-Form Verbs in the Kyushu Western Dialects (Hituzi Syobo Publishing Company, 2007) The Dialects of Shimane Prefecture (co-author, Meiji Shoin, 2008) The True Power of the Kyushu Dialect! (edited by the Society for the Study of Kyushu Dialect, Taishukan Publishing Co., Ltd., 2009) “The Center Versus the Periphery Theory for Phoneme Rules,” The Modern Significance of Yanagita Kunio's Dialectological Studies: Greeting Expressions and Dialect Formation, (edited by Kobayashi, T., Hituzi Syobo Publishing Company, pp.189-207, 2014) “The Development of ‘Video Questionnaires’ for the Study of Interjections,” Linguistic Studies of Interjections, (edited by Tomosada, K., Hituzi Syobo Publishing Company, pp.255-267, 2015) “Symbiotic Types: Targeting Phonological Phenomena with te-Form Verbs in the Dialects of Western Kyushu,” Studies in Dialects, No. 1 (edited by the Dialectological Circle of Japan, pp.185-208, 2015)
Degree | PhD (science) |
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