Yoshitsugu HORIKE
Area of expertiseImage studies, video studies, culture and representation studies
Classes taught
Culture and Creation 2 (Culture and Representation Studies), Culture and Representation Studies, Modern Japanese Cultural Theory
Short biography
After graduating from the Department of Mass Communications, Faculty of Arts and Literature, Seijo University in 1990, I worked at IBM Japan. After completing the Master’s Program in Communications at the Graduate School of Literature, Seijo University in 1994, I completed the Master’s Program in the Culture and Representation Course, Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Komaba in 1997. In 2000 I completed the Art Laboratory Course at the International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences, then in 2001 I withdrew from the Doctoral Program in the Culture and Representation Course, Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Komaba without obtaining a degree. In 2001 I took up a post as a Lecturer in the Literature and Performing Arts Course, Programs in Culture and Education, Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University. After becoming an Associate Professor in the same course, I became an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Global and Science Studies, Yamaguchi University in 2015.
Major papers, books, and works
“Bicycle memories,” (1996), published in Eureka October Edition “Who is Beat Takeshi?” (1998), published in the special edition issue of Eureka from February “Tokyo Story today” (1998), published in Digital Yasujiro Ozu “I’m only interested in the process” (2007), published in IMAGINARY CHUYA “’Twilight’ as symbol” (2009-2012), published in the Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Degree | Master’s degree (literature), Master’s degree (science) |
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