Associate Professor
Area of expertiseJapanese applied linguistics, multilingual education
Classes taught
Language Learning Theories and Praxis I and II, Multicultural Communication Seminar, Japanese language classes for international students, etc
Short biography
I worked at several educational institutions in Japan and France before taking up my current position. I earned a PhD (Japanese Applied Linguistics) at Waseda University in 2012. I carry out research activities in Japanese and French (and English and Chinese). I specialize in Japanese applied linguistics and multilingual education, and concepts that I am particularly interested in include “boundaries” and “edges.”
Major papers, books, and works
Yamamoto, S. (2014) Post-War Japan and Japanese Language Education, Kuroshio Shuppan Yamamoto, S. (2014) “Connecting nodal points: On responses and the value of the practice,” Hosokawa H. and Miyo, J. (eds.) What is the Goal of Action Research: The Meaning and Possibilities of Action Research in Japanese Language Education, Coco Shuppan, pp. 283-309. Saeri Yamamoto (2013A). Etude comparative du « CECRL » et du « JF Standard d’enseignement de la langue japonaise » :question d’interprétation, Dispositifs éducatifs en contexte mondialisé et didactique plurilingue et pluriculturelle, Martine Derivry-Plard et al. (ed.), Collection transversale 38: Berne, pp.165-181. Pierre Martinez, Saeri Yamamoto (2013B) Intellectuels africains francophones en Asie. Parcours et regards, CROISEMENT, Vol.3, Atelier Cahier, pp.13-32.
Degree | PhD in Japanese Applied Linguistics |
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